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Exploring Misunderstood Verses in the Bible (Revised Edition) - by Dr. Chuck Burks [Digital Download]

Part Number WWD14
Exploring Misunderstood Verses in the Bible (Revised Edition) - by Dr. Chuck Burks [Digital Download]
Exploring Misunderstood Verses in the Bible (Revised Edition) - by Dr. Chuck Burks [Digital Download]
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Have you ever been misunderstood or misrepresented? Have you ever had someone erroneously repeat something you said, causing others to believe something that is not true? We often do the same thing when we read God’s Holy Word. Most of us hold to our preconceived and traditional beliefs, as passed down by our Christian church organization, as being truth. Yet, our brothers from another church, with the same Holy Spirit, have another interpretation. Who is right?

 In his book, “Exploring Misunderstood Verses in the Bible,” Dr. Chuck Burks reveals some of the most commonly misinterpreted verses and doctrines in the Bible. His goal is to know “What Does the Bible Really Say?” We all should desire to know what the truth is. We should desire to know God’s original intent. What did Jesus, Paul, Peter, and the others, really mean when they said what they said? This book will be challenging, as it is free from denominationalism. It deals with fallacious, myths, and erroneous interpretations of the Bible, and reveals the intended truth of the matter. Are you ready to be challenged? Are you ready to discipline yourself with the proper rules of interpretation?

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